All Teams Round Robin 2014 / 15


Round Robin ~ Week 1

08-09-2014 19:30
The Dart Knights
The Dart Knights
The Dart Knights3 : 10Goonies
Cricket Lewis Twoyoungmen1  1Cricket Jenny Smalleyes
Cricket Cornell Twoyoungmen1  1Cricket Reggie Smalleyes
Cricket Holly Twoyoungmen1  1Cricket John Gibson
Triples Lewis Twoyoungmen1  1Triples Rowan Snow
Triples Cornell Twoyoungmen1  1Triples James Poucette
Triples Holly Twoyoungmen1  1Triples Eve Powder
Singles Lewis Twoyoungmen1  1Doubles Rowan Snow
Scored 100+ Lewis Twoyoungmen1  1Doubles Reggie Smalleyes
Scored 100+ Cornell Twoyoungmen2  1Doubles Eve Powder
Scored 140+ Cornell Twoyoungmen1  1Doubles James Poucette
Scored 100+ James Twoyoungmen2  1Doubles John Gibson
Scored 100+ Marika Twoyoungman2  1Doubles Jenny Smalleyes
    1Singles Reggie Smalleyes
    1Singles Jenny Smalleyes
    1Singles James Poucette
    1Singles Rowan Snow
    1Singles Eve Powder
    3Scored 100+ Rowan Snow
    1Scored 140+ Rowan Snow
    1Scored 100+ Eve Powder
    1Scored 100+ Jenny Smalleyes
    3Scored 140+ Jenny Smalleyes
    1Finish 61+ Jenny Smalleyes
Goonies Royal Canadian Legion
08-09-2014 19:30
What's the Point?
What's the Point?
What's the Point?2 : 11Nobody's
Singles Jon Mulchinock1  1Cricket Gabe Wesley
Singles Chris Kierzkowski 1  1Cricket Gardner Poucette
Scored 100+ Jon Mulchinock1  1Cricket Joel Fox
Scored 100+ Jay Popplewell1  1Cricket Kliman Snow
Scored 100+ Jillian Hartley1  1Cricket Renwick Snow
    1Cricket Tiffany LaBelle
    1Triples Gabe Wesley
    1Triples Gardner Poucette
    1Triples Joel Fox
    1Triples Kliman Snow
    1Triples Renwick Snow
    1Triples Tiffany LaBelle
    1Doubles Gabe Wesley
    1Doubles Gardner Poucette
    1Doubles Joel Fox
    1Doubles Kliman Snow
    1Doubles Renwick Snow
    1Doubles Tiffany LaBelle
    1Singles Joel Fox
    1Singles Renwick Snow
    1Singles Gabe Wesley
    1Singles Gardner Poucette
    1Scored 100+ Renwick Snow
    1Finish 61+ Renwick Snow
    1Finish 61+ Gabe Wesley
    1Scored 180 Kliman Snow
    3Scored 140+ Gardner Poucette
Nobody's Ducks on the Roof
08-09-2014 19:30
Aintcare9 : 4Quack Attack
Cricket Freddie Powder1  1Triples Rhonda Beckedorf
Cricket Dalas White1  1Triples Kelly Scondrianis
Cricket Lisa Hodges1  1Triples John Scondrianis
Cricket TJ Powder1  1Doubles John Scondrianis
Cricket Byron Hunter1  1Singles Rhonda Beckedorf
Cricket Keisha (Baboo) Powder1  3Scored 100+ Rhonda Beckedorf
Triples TJ Powder1  1Scored 140+ Kelly Scondrianis
Triples Byron Hunter1  1Scored 100+ John Scondrianis
Triples Keisha (Baboo) Powder1  1Scored 100+ Lexie Labensky
Doubles Lisa Hodges1  2Scored 100+ Mick Addinall
Doubles Byron Hunter1    
Doubles Dalas White1    
Doubles TJ Powder1    
Singles Byron Hunter1    
Singles Dalas White1    
Singles TJ Powder1    
Singles Freddie Powder1    
Scored 140+ TJ Powder1    
Scored 100+ Freddie Powder1    
Scored 140+ Freddie Powder1    
Scored 140+ Byron Hunter1    
Finish 61+ Byron Hunter1    
Quack Attack
Quack Attack The Venue
08-09-2014 19:30
Bragg Abouts
Bragg Abouts
Bragg Abouts10 : 3Not Even
Cricket Roy Dennis1  1Singles Glen Squires
Cricket Laura Gellately1  1Singles Brandon (Benny) Eddison
Cricket Scott Birmingham1  1Singles Donna Eddison
Cricket Shelley David1  1Scored 100+ Brandon (Benny) Eddison
Cricket Lee Edwards1  1Scored 140+ Glen Squires
Cricket Dwayne Eliuk1    
Triples Roy Dennis1    
Triples Laura Gellately1    
Triples Scott Birmingham1    
Triples Shelley David1    
Triples Lee Edwards1    
Triples Dwayne Eliuk1    
Doubles Lee Edwards1    
Doubles Shelley David1    
Doubles Roy Dennis1    
Doubles Dwayne Eliuk1    
Doubles Scott Birmingham1    
Doubles Laura Gellately1    
Singles Roy Dennis1    
Singles Dwayne Eliuk1    
Singles Lee Edwards1    
Scored 100+ Shelley David1    
Scored 100+ Roy Dennis2    
Scored a Cricket Roy Dennis1    
Scored 100+ Dwayne Eliuk2    
Scored 100+ Scott Birmingham4    
Scored 140+ Scott Birmingham1    
Scored 100+ Laura Gellately1    
Not Even
Not Even The Venue
08-09-2014 19:30
Hit or Miss Everything
Hit or Miss Everything
Hit or Miss Everything4 : 9The Dart Side
Triples Ellison Smith1  1Cricket Mark Tilbury
Triples Greg Braganza1  1Cricket Andy Harris
Triples Blossom Braganza1  1Cricket Betty Cassidy
Doubles Christine Boersma1  1Cricket Darlene Tilbury
Doubles Cy Boersma1  1Cricket Dennis Cassidy
Doubles Greg Braganza1  1Triples Mark Tilbury
Doubles Ellison Smith1  1Triples Andy Harris
Singles Ellison Smith1  1Triples Dennis Cassidy
Scored 100+ Ellison Smith1  1Doubles Mark Tilbury
Scored 100+ Cy Boersma1  1Doubles Andy Harris
Scored 140+ Blossom Braganza1  1Singles Mark Tilbury
Scored 140+ Greg Braganza1  1Singles Betty Cassidy
    1Singles Andy Harris
    1Singles Dennis Cassidy
    2Scored 140+ Mark Tilbury
    1Scored 100+ Andy Harris
    1Scored 100+ Betty Cassidy
The Dart Side
The Dart Side Royal Canadian Legion
08-09-2014 19:30
No Angry Darts
No Angry Darts
No Angry Darts10 : 2Old Spice
Cricket Tammy Snyder1  1Doubles Shannon Osiowy
Cricket Russ Nicol1  1Singles Shannon Osiowy
Cricket Jeff Krintila1  2Scored 100+ Raymond MacDonald
Cricket Dave Johnston1  2Scored 100+ Tom Pateman
Cricket Theresa Balko1    
Triples Tammy Snyder1    
Triples Russ Nicol1    
Triples Jeff Krintila1    
Triples Dave Johnston1    
Triples Theresa Balko1    
Doubles Dave Johnston1    
Doubles Russ Nicol1    
Doubles Theresa Balko1    
Doubles Jeff Krintila1    
Singles Theresa Balko1    
Singles Jeff Krintila1    
Singles Dave Johnston1    
Singles Tammy Snyder1    
Scored 100+ Dave Johnston1    
Scored 180 Dave Johnston1    
Scored 100+ Tammy Snyder2    
Finish 61+ Tammy Snyder1    
Scored 100+ Theresa Balko1    
Old Spice
Old Spice

Round Robin ~ Week 2

15-09-2014 19:30
The Dart Side
The Dart Side
The Dart Side7 : 6Bragg Abouts
Cricket Betty Cassidy1  1Cricket Lee Edwards
Cricket Lee Garland1  1Cricket Corey Homick
Cricket Andy Harris1  1Cricket Dwayne Eliuk
Cricket Darlene Tilbury1  1Cricket Roy Dennis
Triples Andy Harris1  1Doubles Dwayne Eliuk
Triples Betty Cassidy1  1Doubles Roy Dennis
Triples Darlene Tilbury1  1Doubles Laura Gellately
Triples Dennis Cassidy1  1Doubles Corey Homick
Triples Lee Garland1  1Singles Dwayne Eliuk
Triples Mark Hall1  1Singles Corey Homick
Triples Mark Tilbury1  1Singles Roy Dennis
Triples Sandra Evans1  1Scored 100+ Shelley David
Doubles Darlene Tilbury1  1Scored 140+ Roy Dennis
Doubles Dennis Cassidy1  1Scored 140+ Dwayne Eliuk
Singles Dennis Cassidy1  1Finish 61+ Dwayne Eliuk
Singles Mark Hall1  1Scored 180 Corey Homick
Singles Lee Garland1  2Scored 100+ Scott Birmingham
Scored 100+ Andy Harris2    
Scored 100+ Betty Cassidy2    
Scored 100+ Sandra Evans1    
Bragg Abouts
Bragg Abouts
15-09-2014 19:30
Old Spice
Old Spice
Old Spice1 : 10The Posse
Doubles Tom Pateman1  1Cricket Richard Clapperton
Doubles Shannon Osiowy1  1Cricket John Witts
Scored 100+ Tom Pateman2  1Cricket Sandy Harris
Scored 100+ Corkie Molnar1  1Cricket Darlene Forestal
    1Cricket Ian Burns
    1Triples Richard Clapperton
    1Triples John Witts
    1Triples Sandy Harris
    1Triples Darlene Forestal
    1Triples Ian Burns
    1Doubles Ian Burns
    1Doubles Richard Clapperton
    1Doubles Sandy Harris
    1Singles Sandy Harris
    1Singles Ian Burns
    1Singles Darlene Forestal
    4Scored 100+ Ian Burns
    3Scored 100+ Richard Clapperton
The Posse
The Posse
15-09-2014 19:30
Not Even
Not Even
Not Even7 : 6What's the Point?
Cricket Donna Eddison1  1Cricket Chris Kierzkowski
Cricket Brian Eddison1  1Cricket Cory Tavares
Cricket Natoshia (Bear) Powder1  1Triples Randy Carvelli
Triples Donna Eddison1  1Triples Jon Mulchinock
Triples Brian Eddison1  1Triples Jillian Hartley
Triples Natoshia (Bear) Powder1  1Doubles Jon Mulchinock
Doubles Brandon (Benny) Eddison1  1Doubles Chris Kierzkowski
Doubles Donna Eddison1  1Singles Randy Carvelli
Doubles Glen Squires1  1Singles Jillian Hartley
Doubles Brian Eddison1  1Scored 140+ Randy Carvelli
Singles Brandon (Benny) Eddison1  1Finish 61+ Randy Carvelli
Singles Brian Eddison1  1Scored 140+ Chris Kierzkowski
Singles Christine Denny1    
Scored 100+ Brian Eddison2    
Scored 100+ Glen Squires2    
Scored 140+ Glen Squires1    
Scored a Cricket Glen Squires1    
What's the Point?
What's the Point? The Venue
15-09-2014 19:30
Nobody's13 : 0The Dart Knights
Cricket Gabe Wesley1  2Scored 100+ Holly Twoyoungmen
Cricket Gardner Poucette1  1Scored 100+ Marika Twoyoungman
Cricket Joel Fox1    
Cricket Kliman Snow1    
Cricket Renwick Snow1    
Cricket Tiffany LaBelle1    
Triples Gabe Wesley1    
Triples Gardner Poucette1    
Triples Joel Fox1    
Triples Kliman Snow1    
Triples Renwick Snow1    
Triples Tiffany LaBelle1    
Doubles Gabe Wesley1    
Doubles Gardner Poucette1    
Doubles Joel Fox1    
Doubles Kliman Snow1    
Doubles Renwick Snow1    
Doubles Tiffany LaBelle1    
Singles Gabe Wesley1    
Singles Gardner Poucette1    
Singles Joel Fox1    
Singles Kliman Snow1    
Singles Renwick Snow1    
Singles Tiffany LaBelle1    
Scored 100+ Gabe Wesley1    
Scored 140+ Gabe Wesley2    
Finish 61+ Gabe Wesley1    
Finish 61+ Gabe Wesley1    
Scored 100+ Tiffany LaBelle1    
Scored 100+ Gardner Poucette1    
The Dart Knights
The Dart Knights Royal Canadian Legion
15-09-2014 19:30
Goonies8 : 5Aintcare
Cricket Jenny Smalleyes1  1Cricket Byron Hunter
Cricket Reggie Smalleyes1  1Cricket Lisa Hodges
Cricket Eve Powder1  1Cricket TJ Powder
Doubles Jenny Smalleyes1  1Triples Dalas White
Doubles John Gibson1  1Triples Freddie Powder
Doubles Rowan Snow1  1Triples Keisha (Baboo) Powder
Doubles Reggie Smalleyes1  1Triples Byron Hunter
Doubles Eve Powder1  1Triples Lisa Hodges
Singles Eve Powder1  1Triples TJ Powder
Singles Reggie Smalleyes1  1Singles Dalas White
Singles Rowan Snow1  1Singles Freddie Powder
Singles John Gibson1  1Scored 100+ Byron Hunter
Scored 100+ Rowan Snow1  1Scored 100+ Freddie Powder
Scored 140+ Rowan Snow3  1Scored 140+ Freddie Powder
Scored 100+ Eve Powder1  1Finish 61+ Freddie Powder
Scored 100+ Jenny Smalleyes1  1Finish 61+ Freddie Powder
Scored 140+ Jenny Smalleyes1  1Scored 140+ Dalas White
Aintcare Ducks on the Roof
15-09-2014 19:30
Quack Attack
Quack Attack
Quack Attack6 : 7No Angry Darts
Triples Kelly Scondrianis1  1Cricket Dave Johnston
Triples Lexie Labensky1  1Cricket Kendall Waiting
Triples Mick Addinall1  1Cricket Tammy Snyder
Triples Rhonda Beckedorf1  1Cricket Jeff Krintila
Triples John Scondrianis1  1Cricket Theresa Balko
Doubles John Scondrianis1  1Cricket Carrie Cholak
Doubles Kelly Scondrianis1  1Doubles Kendall Waiting
Singles John Scondrianis1  1Doubles Jeff Krintila
Singles Rhonda Beckedorf1  1Doubles Theresa Balko
Scored 100+ Rhonda Beckedorf2  1Doubles Dave Johnston
Scored 100+ John Scondrianis1  1Singles Dave Johnston
    1Singles Jeff Krintila
    1Singles Theresa Balko
    1Scored 140+ Dave Johnston
    1Scored 140+ Kendall Waiting
    1Scored 100+ Jeff Krintila
    1Scored 100+ Carrie Cholak
No Angry Darts
No Angry Darts Ducks on the Roof

Round Robin ~ Week 3

22-09-2014 19:30
The Dart Knights
The Dart Knights
The Dart Knights4 : 9Not Even
Cricket Cornell Twoyoungmen1  1Cricket Brandon (Benny) Eddison
Cricket James Twoyoungmen1  1Cricket Brian Eddison
Cricket Holly Twoyoungmen1  1Cricket Christine Denny
Doubles Holly Twoyoungmen1  1Triples Donna Eddison
Doubles Marika Twoyoungman1  1Triples Natoshia (Bear) Powder
Doubles Lewis Twoyoungmen1  1Triples Glen Squires
Doubles Cornell Twoyoungmen1  1Triples Brandon (Benny) Eddison
Singles Cornell Twoyoungmen1  1Triples Brian Eddison
Scored 140+ James Twoyoungmen1  1Triples Christine Denny
Scored 100+ Holly Twoyoungmen1  1Doubles Brandon (Benny) Eddison
Finish 61+ Marika Twoyoungman1  1Doubles Christine Denny
    1Singles Glen Squires
    1Singles Donna Eddison
    1Singles Christine Denny
    1Singles Brian Eddison
    1Singles Natoshia (Bear) Powder
    1Scored 140+ Brandon (Benny) Eddison
    1Scored 100+ Natoshia (Bear) Powder
    1Scored 100+ Glen Squires
    1Scored 100+ Christine Denny
Not Even
Not Even Royal Canadian Legion
22-09-2014 19:30
What's the Point?
What's the Point?
What's the Point?6 : 7The Dart Side
Cricket Randy Carvelli1  1Cricket Betty Cassidy
Cricket Jillian Hartley1  1Cricket Dennis Cassidy
Cricket Chris Kierzkowski 1  1Cricket Mark Tilbury
Cricket Jay Popplewell1  1Triples Darlene Tilbury
Triples Randy Carvelli1  1Triples Sandra Evans
Triples Jillian Hartley1  1Triples Lee Garland
Triples Chris Kierzkowski 1  1Doubles Dennis Cassidy
Triples Jay Popplewell1  1Doubles Mark Tilbury
Doubles Jon Mulchinock1  1Doubles Lee Garland
Doubles Chris Kierzkowski 1  1Doubles Darlene Tilbury
Singles Jon Mulchinock1  1Singles Darlene Tilbury
Singles Chris Kierzkowski 1  1Singles Lee Garland
Singles Tana Kierzkowski 1  1Singles Mark Tilbury
Scored 100+ Randy Carvelli2  1Scored 100+ Mark Tilbury
Scored 100+ Cory Tavares1  3Scored 140+ Mark Tilbury
Scored 100+ Tana Kierzkowski 2  1Finish 61+ Mark Tilbury
Scored 140+ Tana Kierzkowski 1  1Scored 100+ Dennis Cassidy
Scored 100+ Chris Kierzkowski 1  1Scored 100+ Betty Cassidy
Scored 140+ Chris Kierzkowski 1  2Scored 100+ Lee Garland
Finish 61+ Chris Kierzkowski 1    
The Dart Side
The Dart Side Ducks on the Roof
22-09-2014 19:30
Aintcare5 : 8Nobody's
Triples Dalas White1  1Cricket Gabe Wesley
Triples TJ Powder1  1Cricket Gardner Poucette
Triples Byron Hunter1  1Cricket Kliman Snow
Singles Dalas White1  1Cricket Renwick Snow
Scored 100+ TJ Powder1  1Cricket Tiffany LaBelle
Scored 140+ TJ Powder1  1Triples Tiffany LaBelle
Scored 100+ Dalas White3  1Triples Kliman Snow
Scored 100+ Freddie Powder1  1Triples Renwick Snow
Scored 140+ Freddie Powder1  1Singles Gardner Poucette
Scored 100+ Byron Hunter1  1Singles Gabe Wesley
Scored 140+ Byron Hunter1  1Singles Tiffany LaBelle
    1Singles Kliman Snow
    2Scored 100+ Renwick Snow
    1Scored 140+ Renwick Snow
    2Scored 100+ Gabe Wesley
    1Scored 140+ Gabe Wesley
    1Finish 61+ Gabe Wesley
    1Scored 100+ Kliman Snow
    1Scored 100+ Tiffany LaBelle
    4Scored 100+ Gardner Poucette
Nobody's The Venue
22-09-2014 19:30
No Angry Darts
No Angry Darts
No Angry Darts4 : 9Goonies
Doubles Jeff Krintila1  1Cricket Eve Powder
Doubles Dave Johnston1  1Cricket James Poucette
Singles Kendall Waiting1  1Cricket Jenny Smalleyes
Singles Theresa Balko1  1Cricket John Gibson
Singles Dave Johnston1  1Cricket Rowan Snow
Scored 100+ Dave Johnston1  1Cricket Vincent LaBelle
Scored 140+ Dave Johnston2  1Triples Eve Powder
Scored 100+ Kendall Waiting2  1Triples James Poucette
Scored 140+ Kendall Waiting1  1Triples Jenny Smalleyes
Scored 140+ Jeff Krintila1  1Triples John Gibson
Scored 100+ Carrie Cholak1  1Triples Rowan Snow
    1Triples Vincent LaBelle
    1Doubles Vincent LaBelle
    1Doubles Eve Powder
    1Doubles Rowan Snow
    1Doubles James Poucette
    1Singles Eve Powder
    1Singles Rowan Snow
    1Singles James Poucette
    1Scored 100+ Rowan Snow
    3Scored 140+ Rowan Snow
    2Scored 100+ Eve Powder
    1Finish 100+ Eve Powder
    1Scored 100+ James Poucette
    1Finish 61+ John Gibson
22-09-2014 19:30
The Posse
The Posse
The Posse10 : 0Quack Attack
Quack Attack
Quack Attack
22-09-2014 19:30
Bragg Abouts
Bragg Abouts
Bragg Abouts7 : 6Hit or Miss Everything
Cricket Corey Homick1  1Cricket Arlene Reuer
Cricket Dwayne Eliuk1  1Cricket Ellison Smith
Cricket Laura Gellately1  1Cricket Christine Boersma
Triples Corey Homick1  1Triples Greg Braganza
Triples Dwayne Eliuk1  1Triples Blossom Braganza
Triples Laura Gellately1  1Triples Cy Boersma
Doubles Dwayne Eliuk1  1Doubles Cy Boersma
Doubles Roy Dennis1  1Doubles Blossom Braganza
Doubles Aaron Byrnes1  1Singles Greg Braganza
Doubles Laura Gellately1  1Singles Cy Boersma
Singles Aaron Byrnes1  1Singles Ellison Smith
Singles Dwayne Eliuk1  1Scored 100+ Ellison Smith
Singles Corey Homick1  2Scored 100+ Arlene Reuer
Scored 100+ Roy Dennis2  2Scored 100+ Cy Boersma
Scored 100+ Dwayne Eliuk1  3Scored 140+ Cy Boersma
Scored 140+ Dwayne Eliuk1  1Scored 100+ Blossom Braganza
Hit or Miss Everything
Hit or Miss Everything The Venue

Round Robin ~ Week 4

29-09-2014 19:30
Quack Attack
Quack Attack
Quack Attack4 : 9Old Spice
Doubles Eric George1  1Doubles Mike Chiarizia
Doubles Brian Gibson1  1Doubles Raymond MacDonald
Doubles Mick Addinall1  1Singles Tom Pateman
Doubles Lexie Labensky1  1Singles Mike Chiarizia
Singles Rhonda Beckedorf1  1Singles Corkie Molnar
Singles Eric George1  1Scored 100+ Shannon Osiowy
Scored 100+ Kelly Scondrianis1  3Scored 100+ Rob MacKenzie
Scored 140+ Eric George2  1Scored 140+ Rob MacKenzie
    1Scored 100+ Corkie Molnar
Old Spice
Old Spice Ducks on the Roof
29-09-2014 19:30
Nobody's11 : 2No Angry Darts
Cricket Gardner Poucette1  1Doubles Dave Johnston
Cricket Joel Fox1  1Doubles Carrie Cholak
Cricket Kliman Snow1  1Singles Kendall Waiting
Cricket Tiffany LaBelle1  1Scored 100+ Dave Johnston
Cricket Renwick Snow1  2Scored 140+ Dave Johnston
Cricket Gabe Wesley1    
Cricket Harvina Snow1    
Triples Gardner Poucette1    
Triples Joel Fox1    
Triples Kliman Snow1    
Triples Tiffany LaBelle1    
Triples Renwick Snow1    
Triples Gabe Wesley1    
Triples Harvina Snow1    
Doubles Tiffany LaBelle1    
Doubles Renwick Snow1    
Doubles Joel Fox1    
Doubles Gardner Poucette1    
Singles Gardner Poucette1    
Singles Kliman Snow1    
Singles Tiffany LaBelle1    
Singles Renwick Snow1    
Singles Joel Fox1    
Scored 100+ Renwick Snow1    
Scored 140+ Renwick Snow1    
Scored 140+ Gabe Wesley1    
Scored 100+ Kliman Snow2    
Scored 140+ Joel Fox1    
Scored 100+ Tiffany LaBelle1    
Scored 100+ Gardner Poucette2    
Scored 140+ Gardner Poucette3    
Finish 61+ Gardner Poucette1    
No Angry Darts
No Angry Darts Royal Canadian Legion
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